M33 Triangulum Galaxy
Exposure type:
Roth Ritter
Lamy, NM on 2008, Nov 18
LRGB (370:100:100:100)
RCOS 10RCA @ f/7 (1825mm)
Paramount ME
SBIG STL-11000M, AO-L, Filter set C L R G B

[ click the photo to enlarge ]
Additional Notes:
The Triangulum Galaxy (also known as Messier 33 or NGC 598) is a spiral galaxy approximately 3 million light-years away in the constellation Triangulum. It is the third largest galaxy in the Local Group, a group of galaxies that also contains the Milky Way Galaxy and the Andromeda Galaxy, and it may be a gravitationally bound companion of the Andromeda Galaxy. In 2007, a black hole about 15.7 times the mass of the Sun was detected in the galaxy using data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The black hole, named M33 X-7, orbits a companion star which it eclipses every 3.5 days. The galaxy has an H II nucleus. [Wikipedia]