Globular M3
Exposure type:
Roth Ritter
Lamy, NM on 2009, May 13
LRGB (140:90:90:90)
RCOS 10RCA @ f/7 (1825mm)
Paramount ME
SBIG STL-11000M, AO-L, Filter set C L R G B

[ click the photo to enlarge ]
Additional Notes:
Messier 3 (also known as M3 or NGC 5272) is a globular cluster in the constellation Canes Venatici. This cluster is one of the largest and brightest, and is made up of around 500,000 stars. It is located at a distance of about 33,900 light-years away from Earth. M3 has an apparent magnitude of 6.2, making it visible to the naked eye under dark conditions. From a moderate-sized telescope, the cluster is fully defined. [Wikipedia]